I am trying to create a CSV file for a file share that has deep folder structure.
I want the CSV to look like:
filename, filepath, file type, folderStructure
So far I have the following:
#Get-ChildItem -Path D:\ -Recurse
gci $directory -recurse |
where {$_.psiscontainer} |
foreach {
get-childitem $_.fullname |
sort creationtime |
select -expand fullname -last 1
You don't need to recurse a recursive in Powershell. It will automatically go through all of the subdirectories of subdirectories.
I am also a little unsure of some of the information you wanted, but here is a script that does what you want mostly I believe and is IMO a little better to read.
Get-ChildItem -Path X:\Test -Recurse |`
$Item = $_
$Type = $_.Extension
$Path = $_.FullName
$Folder = $_.PSIsContainer
$Age = $_.CreationTime
$Path | Select-Object `
}| Export-Csv X:\Test\Results.csv -NoTypeInformation
You will need to change your path, as I created this for a test. My results look like this in Excel:
| Name | Created | filePath | Extension |
| test2 | 3/6/2013 19:21 | X:\Test\test2 | Folder |
| Results.csv | 3/6/2013 19:51 | X:\Test\Results.csv | .csv |
| test3 | 3/6/2013 19:21 | X:\Test\test2\test3 | Folder |
| New Text Document.txt | 3/6/2013 19:21 | X:\Test\test2\New Text Document.txt | .txt |
Where it says "Folder" for the Extension just it returning that it is a directory instead of a blank (No extension).