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Transforming Function Bodies within Boost Phoenix Expressions

How can I also include function bodies in a transformation of a Boost Phoenix expression?

For example, I have built on the Lazy Functions section of the Boost Phoenix Starter Kit, and created a lazy addition function:

struct my_lazy_add_impl {
  typedef int result_type;
  template <typename T>
  T operator()(T x, T y) const { return x+y; }
phoenix::function<my_lazy_add_impl> my_add;

I then prepare a simple plus-to-minus transform from a previous question, shown here:

struct invrt:
      proto::plus<proto::_, proto::_>,
        invrt(proto::_left), invrt(proto::_right)
      proto::nary_expr<proto::_, proto::vararg<invrt> >

However, when I apply an inverted Phoenix lambda expression, using my_add, to its arguments, as shown below, it seems the intended inversion has not been achieved. Is there a recommended way to implement function calls within Phoenix, which can facilitate such transformations?

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  auto f =         phoenix::lambda(_a = 0)[my_add(_1,_2)];
  auto g = invrt()(phoenix::lambda(_a = 0)[my_add(_1,_2)]);
  std::cout << f()(1,2) << std::endl; // 3
  std::cout << g()(1,2) << std::endl; // 3 again; alas not -1
  return 0;


  • The answer is really very simple and you're going to kick yourself. The expression transformation you wrote knows how to convert a plus node into a subtract node. But there is no plus node in the expression you're passing to it. Look again:

    auto g = invrt()(phoenix::lambda(_a = 0)[my_add(_1,_2)]);

    Where's the plus node? To Proto (and to Phoenix), my_add is opaque. They don't know there's an addition going on inside there. How could they?


    Consider this instead, which does what you intend:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/phoenix.hpp>
    #include <boost/proto/proto.hpp>
    namespace proto = boost::proto;
    namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
    using namespace phoenix::arg_names;
    using namespace phoenix::local_names;
    auto const my_add = phoenix::let(_a = _1, _b = _2)[_a + _b];
    struct invrt:
          proto::plus<proto::_, proto::_>,
            invrt(proto::_left), invrt(proto::_right)
          proto::nary_expr<proto::_, proto::vararg<invrt> >
    int main()
      auto f =         phoenix::lambda(_a = 0)[my_add(_1,_2)];
      auto g = invrt()(phoenix::lambda(_a = 0)[my_add(_1,_2)]);
      std::cout << f()(1,2) << std::endl; // 3
      std::cout << g()(1,2) << std::endl; // -1, w00t!