Perl has beaten me down good today and I have a question. I'm accessing a perl script via a link from another perl script.
In the script I'm using the displaying the query string without issues in two different ways:
my $thatagent = $q->param('agentid');
I set the lexical variable at the beginning of my script of outside of all subroutine. I then use $thatagent to display the agent id number in the "default" subroutine which displays HTML when the script runs. I don't have any issues here.
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
my $q = CGI->new;
my $thatagent = $q->param('agentid');
my %form = $q->Vars;
if (! $q->param("savebtn")) {
I call two subroutines from the viewagent subroutine and use $form{agentid} in select statements also without issue.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select, a.paidcommission, a.paidreferral, paddy.address1, paddy.address2,, paddy.state, paddy.zipcode, maddy.address1, maddy.address2,, maddy.state, maddy.zipcode,, bc.phonenumber, bc.phoneext, bc.phonenumber2, bc.phoneext2, bc.fax,,, sc.phonenumber, sc.phoneext, sc.phonenumber2, sc.phoneext2, sc.fax, from agent a inner join entity e on entityid = agentid inner join address paddy on paddy.addressid = physicaladdressid inner join address maddy on maddy.addressid = mailingaddressid inner join contact bc on bc.contactid = billingcontactid inner join contact sc on sc.contactid = salescontactid where a.agentid = $form{agentid};") or die "prepare statement failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select agentid, note, createdt, createuser from agentnote where agentid = $form{agentid};") or die "prepare statement failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
Then comes the problem, I call another subroutine (&updateagent listed above) globally and attempt to use $thatagent but it fails. If I hard code a number, it works just fine.
sub UpdateAgent {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE agent SET name=?, paidcommission=?, paidreferral=? WHERE agentid=?;") or die "prepare statement failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
$sth->execute($form{'name'}, $form{'paidcommission'}, $form{'paidreferral'}, $thatagent) or die "prepare statement failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
I feel I must have some sort of disconnect with my subroutine "seeing" the rest of my script but am unsure. Please help!
Thanks in advance :)
OK, so I added
my @thatagent = split(/=/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
my $thatagent = $thatagent[1];
and it kept the variable throughout the script.
I don't know a whole lot about Perl, but man that seems weird. Like I said, in the initial subroutine displaying the HTML (and the two subroutines called from the HTML subroutine) I was able to use
from where I read my cgi parameters into a hash without issue.