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R Text mining - how to change texts in R data frame column into several columns with word frequencies?

I have a data frame with 4 columns. Column 1 consists of ID's, column 2 consists of texts (about 100 words each), column 3 and 4 consist labels.

Now I would like to retrieve word frequencies (of the most common words) from the texts column and add those frequencies as extra columns to the data frame. I would like the column names to be the words themselves and the columns filled with their frequencies (ranging from 0 to ... per text) in the texts.

I tried some functions of the tm package but until now unsatisfactory. Does anyone has any idea how to deal with this problem or where to start? Is there a package that can do the job?

id  texts   label1    label2


  • Well let's work through the issues then...

    I'm guessing you have a data.frame that looks like this:

           person sex adult                                 state code
    1         sam   m     0         Computer is fun. Not too fun.   K1
    2        greg   m     0               No it's not, it's dumb.   K2
    3     teacher   m     1                    What should we do?   K3
    4         sam   m     0                  You liar, it stinks!   K4
    5        greg   m     0               I am telling the truth!   K5
    6       sally   f     0                How can we be certain?   K6
    7        greg   m     0                      There is no way.   K7
    8         sam   m     0                       I distrust you.   K8
    9       sally   f     0           What are you talking about?   K9
    10 researcher   f     1         Shall we move on?  Good then.  K10
    11       greg   m     0 I'm hungry.  Let's eat.  You already?  K11

    This data set comes from the qdap package. to get qdap use install.packages("qdap").

    Now to make the reproducible example I was talking about with your data set do what I'm doing here with the DATA data set from qdap.


    Ok now for your original problem I think wfm will do what you want:

    freqs <- t(wfm(DATA$state, 1:nrow(DATA)))
    data.frame(DATA, freqs, check.names = FALSE)

    If you only wanted the top so many words use an ordering technique like I use here:

    freqs <- t(wfm(DATA$state, 1:nrow(DATA)))
    ords <- rev(sort(colSums(freqs)))[1:9]      #top 9 words
    top9 <- freqs[, names(ords)]                #grab those columns from freqs  
    data.frame(DATA, top9, check.names = FALSE) #put it together

    The outcome looks like this:

    > data.frame(DATA, top9, check.names = FALSE)
           person sex adult                                 state code you we what not no it's is i fun
    1         sam   m     0         Computer is fun. Not too fun.   K1   0  0    0   1  0    0  1 0   2
    2        greg   m     0               No it's not, it's dumb.   K2   0  0    0   1  1    2  0 0   0
    3     teacher   m     1                    What should we do?   K3   0  1    1   0  0    0  0 0   0
    4         sam   m     0                  You liar, it stinks!   K4   1  0    0   0  0    0  0 0   0
    5        greg   m     0               I am telling the truth!   K5   0  0    0   0  0    0  0 1   0
    6       sally   f     0                How can we be certain?   K6   0  1    0   0  0    0  0 0   0
    7        greg   m     0                      There is no way.   K7   0  0    0   0  1    0  1 0   0
    8         sam   m     0                       I distrust you.   K8   1  0    0   0  0    0  0 1   0
    9       sally   f     0           What are you talking about?   K9   1  0    1   0  0    0  0 0   0
    10 researcher   f     1         Shall we move on?  Good then.  K10   0  1    0   0  0    0  0 0   0
    11       greg   m     0 I'm hungry.  Let's eat.  You already?  K11   1  0    0   0  0    0  0 0   0