I want to create an activity in front of the lockscreen. I don't want to skip the keyguard completely. I tryed it with the TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY flag but there I can't handel any events. It works with FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED but then there is a black background and i want it like on this picture:
An Activity without black background and event handling http://s1.directupload.net/images/130306/sctc586t.jpg
It would be nice if it is like TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY but with event handling. Is that possible? I read that it is not possible with TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY to get any Events but is there maybe another option to set an activity in front of the lockscreen? Maybe with root rights? It should look like it is in the picture.
To avoid black background try a translucent theme. At your manifest (activity or application) use android:theme="android:style/Theme.Translucent"
There is also a way to create widgets for lock screen of some devices from different manufactures, as far as I know HTC developer page has such a tool, but I have never tested and I am afraid that works only on sense devices.
If you are only interested for a devices you can also look at your manufactures developer page!
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