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Vundle plugin: Install concrete version of plugin

I use vim and try the 'Vundle'. It helps to install plugins like in Ruby on Rails:

Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'  
             ... I write in my _vimrc file

But when I do saw, it installs the last version of this plugins from github. But I want to install one of the previous version. Who knows how to do what I want?


  • I don't think Vundle allows you to specify a repo ref. I think you can work around this though. Vundle assumes you want the master's head, so create your own fork to get control of the version.

    In other words, fork the plugin repo, reset the master branch to the version you want, and use your fork in the .vimrc

    Bundle '<your username>/nerdcommenter'