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implementation of config method behind ipython

Based on this video tutorial

The presenter mentions the method used to process the input config for iPython. I don't get which method he used. The only thing I can hear is "n thoughts trace machinery". Searched through google without results.

Can someone take one more listen and tell me what he means?

Thank you


  • He's saying "Enthought's Traits Machinery":


    The free version includes Traits

    From @Matt's link:

    Underneath the hood, the Configurable base class is a subclass of IPython.utils.traitlets.HasTraits. The IPython.utils.traitlets module is a lightweight version of enthought.traits. Our implementation is a pure Python subset (mostly API compatible) of enthought.traits that does not have any of the automatic GUI generation capabilities. Our plan is to achieve 100% API compatibility to enable the actual enthought.traits to eventually be used instead. Currently, we cannot use enthought.traits as we are committed to the core of IPython being pure Python.