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dcl executing program using foreign command

How would you go about doing this?

I have a file which contains roughly 40 lines, each line are variables for an .exe file.
I've setup a foreign command

$ CC := "$something$something:file.exe"

I then try to loop through the file line by line


$ OPEN a file.txt
$ loop:
$ READ/END_OF_FILE:end a b
$ CC b
$ goto loop
$ end:

My problem is because the value of b contains quotes (" ") around it the file.exe does not execute

I also tried to put CC on the start of each line of file.txt (shown below) and run each line 1 at a time just like above but it gives an error that it cannot run CC.exe from the default location. As you can see below variables 2-4 need to be in double quotes if that matters for method 1 ideas.

{Method 2}

$ CC variable1 "variable2" "variable3" "variable4"

What I need to do in the end is run about 10 of these at one time, so i think if I could get method 2 to work that would be the best.


  • I'm not sure whether I fully understand what you are trying to achieve. From what I read, I would for a text file (file.txt) like

    "Quoted blank"
    " "
    This and that
    "This and" "that"

    write a command procedure ( like

    $ cc:=$sys$disk:[]echo
    $ OPEN a file.txt
    $ loop:
    $ READ/END_OF_FILE:end a b
    $ show symb b
    $ CC 'b'
    $ goto loop
    $ end:
    $ CLOSE a

    which when run gives:

    $ @echo
      B = "This"
    arg1: 'this'
      B = "That"
    arg1: 'that'
      B = ""Quoted""
    arg1: 'Quoted'
      B = ""Quoted blank""
    arg1: 'Quoted blank'
      B = "" ""
    arg1: ' '
      B = "This and that"
    arg1: 'this'
    arg2: 'and'
    arg3: 'that'
      B = ""This and" "that""
    arg1: 'This and'
    arg2: 'that'

    where echo.exe is just an simple C program to print argv, starting with argument 1 and quoted with single quotes; and the $ show symb b is just to show what was actually read from the file; the symbols content is quoted with double quotes.

    This is more or less what you had, except the $ CC 'b' where the single quotes tells dcl to expand the symbol b. And a close of the input file after reading it is not a bad idea.

    No, there is no need to DEFINE anything. For the foreign command you don't have to have the .exe, it's the default.