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Ordering by top result of a nested order by

First off, I'm working with an EAV database so when I say entity, it's the same as a table.

I have an "asset" entity and each asset has many "offers". Each offer has a price attribute. I want to return the offer with the top price for each asset and this must be ordered also by top price. So for example:

Asset 1 has 3 offers (a, b and c) with price $4 (a), $7.25 (b) and $5 (c)


Asset 2 has 2 offers (d and e) with price $9 (d) and $3 (e)

So the result set should look like:

Offer       Price       Asset  
d           $9           2  
b           $7.25        1

The reason I have not provided any SQL is because I am working on a non-relational database where everything is held in 4 tables - entity table, subtype table, metastring and metadata. But I just want the conceptual answer as if this was a relational database and I can translate this to EAV SQL.


  • Something like this?

    SELECT    data.Asset, data.Price, o.offerID
    FROM      (
              SELECT o.assetID AS Asset, MAX(o.offer) AS Price
              FROM   assetTable AS a
                     INNER JOIN offerTable AS o
                         ON a.assetID = o.assetID    
              GROUP BY o.assetID
              ) data
              INNER JOIN offerTable AS o
                  ON data.Asset = o.assetID
                  AND data.Price = o.offer
    ORDER BY  data.Price DESC, data.assetID