Can anyone review this code and tell me why I am getting variable ID undefined error?
<cffunction name="login" access="public" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="rc" type="struct" required="true">
<cfset user = getUserService().login(arguments.rc.Username,arguments.rc.password)>
<cfif isDefined('User')>
<cfset session.auth = structNew()>
<cfset session.auth.isLoggedin = "yes"/>
<cfset session.auth.user = user />
<cfset = id>
<cfset session.auth.username = UserName />
<cfset session.auth.password = password />
<cfset rc.message = createMessage('error','','entered password is wrong')>
<cfset variables.fw.redirect('login.default','message')>
<cfset variables.fw.redirect('')>
You need to properly scope your variable (as I stated in my comment). Change = id
to =