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Collision detection between a BoundingBox and a Sphere in libgdx

In my libgdx game I have 3D BoundingBoxes and Spheres for map and player objects. I want to calculate whether they collide with each other in order to properly simulate the motion of these objects. What method can I use to calculate whether these objects collide/intersect?


  • You can use the following method:

    public static boolean intersectsWith(BoundingBox boundingBox, Sphere sphere) {
        float dmin = 0;
        Vector3 center =;
        Vector3 bmin = boundingBox.getMin();
        Vector3 bmax = boundingBox.getMax();
        if (center.x < bmin.x) {
            dmin += Math.pow(center.x - bmin.x, 2);
        } else if (center.x > bmax.x) {
            dmin += Math.pow(center.x - bmax.x, 2);
        if (center.y < bmin.y) {
            dmin += Math.pow(center.y - bmin.y, 2);
        } else if (center.y > bmax.y) {
            dmin += Math.pow(center.y - bmax.y, 2);
        if (center.z < bmin.z) {
            dmin += Math.pow(center.z - bmin.z, 2);
        } else if (center.z > bmax.z) {
            dmin += Math.pow(center.z - bmax.z, 2);
        return dmin <= Math.pow(sphere.radius, 2);

    It's modeled after

    A Simple Method for Box-Sphere Intersection Testing by Jim Arvo from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990

    The sample C code for which can be found here: