I want to limit a parameter of union type of A
and B
types, where B
is some general type, that will be subtyped. I want to put the objects in this method:
def accept[A](a:A)(implicit ev:FooOrBaish[A]){ /* do something */}
This is, how do I specify the implicits:
case class Foo(i:Int)
trait Baish
case object Bar extends Baish
case class Baz(x:String) extends Baish
class FooOrBaish[A]
object FooOrBaish{
implicit object FooWit extends FooOrBaish[Foo]
implicit object BaishWit extends FooOrBaish[Baish]
Now, I can put in accept Foo(5)
, but cannot put there Baz("a")
neither Bar
, the compiler screams: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: FooOrBaish[Baz]
Where can I specify the subtype relation?
Change FooOrBaish's type to be contravariant and it works
class FooOrBaish[-A]