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Squeryl: how to toggle a boolean column using a partial update

Suppose I have an entity class like that:

case class MyEntity(some_flag: Boolean) extends KeyedEntity[Long]

I want to perform the following SQL update using Squeryl:

update table_name set some_flag = not some_flag where id = 1

What is the related Squeryl statement to do this? I have tried already

def toggleFlag(id: Long) = inTransaction {
    update(table)(entity =>
        where( === id)
        set(entity.some_flag := !entity.some_flag)

but this does not have any effect in the database.

Update 2: The Squeryl documentation gives this example of a partial update to increase an integer value by 1:

update(songs)(s =>
  where(s.title === "Watermelon Man")
  set(s.title := "The Watermelon Man",
      s.year  := s.year.~ + 1)


I am using Squeryl 0.9.5-6 with Scala 2.10 and Play! 2.1


  • I made a little code project out of your example. The problem is that squeryl serializes the update, but it "swallows" the (!), producing the following SQL:

     update MyEntity set
     some_flag = (some_flag)

    Basically, squeryl builds under the hood a tree made of operations, and then serializes it to a string that will be sent to the SQL adapter.

    In general, I check it out isolating the update statement and printing it (like squeryl does):

        // From __update, Table.scala
        val dba = Session.currentSession.databaseAdapter
        val sw = new StatementWriter(dba)
        val o0 = _callbacks.beforeUpdate(o.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).asInstanceOf[T]
        dba.writeUpdate(o0, this, sw, checkOCC)

    Either replicating the code in my class (for debugging purposes) or setting a breakpoint directly in Table.scala

    To isolate the statement, simply factor out the second part of update:

    val s = ((entity: InsertTypeHere) =>
          where( === id)
          set(entity.some_flag := not entity.some_flag))

    Thanks to this "trick", I discovered that the reference to some_flag is correctly transformed into a SelectElementReference of type java.lang.Boolean, but the (!) is not traslated into a PrefixOperator. It seems like a squeryl bug to me, but let me see if it is possible to "fix" it from your code.


    Digging in squeryl code, it really seems that the "not" operator is missing. Fortunately, it is easy to add it back by yourself!

         class NotExpression(val ast: ExpressionNode)(implicit val mapper: OutMapper[BooleanType])
            extends PrefixOperatorNode(ast, "not ", false)
                    with LogicalBoolean with NestedExpression with TypedExpressionNode[BooleanType]
         def mynot(b: BooleanExpression[BooleanType]) = new NotExpression(b)
         transaction {
              update(table)(t => where( === 3) set (t.some_flag := mynot(t.some_flag)))

    This produces the right SQL, at least in your case. I will submit a patch to squeryl and ask for comments.