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How can I verify the name of a label in a table view using Instruments on iOS?

I'm using the Xcode "Instruments" tool to build automation for an iOS application and I need to verify that the label for an entry I've created in my app is correct.

The code listed below is, for some reason, not resulting in a solid pass or fail. Rather, when it runs, I get an "Issue" warning in the log and the test exits without explicitly closing.

I want to change my tests so that I check for the label name that I know is getting created, because I can see it with the AccessibilityViewer after my automation runs.

If the label is correct, then I want to log the test as a pass.

I've used UIATarget.localTarget().logElementTree() to map my element tree and I've used the AccessibilityInspector to verify the name of my label after my entry has been created. Trouble is, I just can't seem to get the syntax for verifying this correct.

My Accessibility Inspector has verified that the label name is: MyDogs! and it has the traits of Static Text and gives the Frame of {{114, 0},{166,480}}

By looking at the element tree--which I wish I could paste in here, it looks like the label would be found along this path:

--------\TableCell: name:MyDogs! rect:{0, 40},{480,166}}
---------|UIAStaticText: name:MyDogs! value:MyDogs! rect:{{0, 40},{480, 166}}
---------|UIAButton: name:story list share rect:{{439, 41},{33, 28}}

Can anyone tell me how the heck to verify this label?

My current code looks like this (but is not checking for the label--because I don't know how to):

var testName = "LoginCreateEntry";

//Start test logging

//This is supposed to target the entry that my automation has created.
//The flow goes, run the automation that creates the entry, then verify that the entry
//got created as expected and is visible to the user in the iPhone interface.

    var myEntry = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().scrollViews().staticTexts()["My Dogs!"].value(); 

    var entryName = "My Dogs!";

//Do a bunch of UI automation here to create my entry, which results in the entry
//appearing in the mainWindow with the label: My Dogs!

//If myEntry evaluates to true, then call this test a pass.

if (myEntry === entryName) {    
UIALogger.logMessage("My entry was created!");

    //Mark the test as a PASS
else {

    UIALogger.logMessage("My entry was not created!");

    //Mark the test as a FAIL

//End test

Any feedback or help would be most appreciated!!

Thanks all for your help! I actually got the value of the title and will display my solution below. But I CANNOT get the pass/fail logging functionality to work correctly no matter what I do--and the issue has been encountered by others as well. I keep getting the enraging

Issue: Script ended without explicting closing this test

message at the end of my tests. I'm becoming convinced it's a bug with Instruments.

Here's my updated test:

var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var app = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp();

var testName = "LoginCreateEntry";

//Start test logging
UIALogger.logStart( testName );

//Do lots of gui automation stuff here to create the entry which will appear in my app interface.
//I want to verify that the title I gave the entry matches what appears in the app interface

var window = app.mainWindow();
var tableView = window.tableViews()[0];
var tableGroup = tableView.groups()[0];
var entryName = "My Dogs!";

var myEntry = tableView.cells()[0].name(); //<-- This is what I needed!!!

UIALogger.logMessage("My Story Title: " + myEntry); //Print out entry name in log

if (myEntry === entryName) {    

    UIALogger.logMessage("My entry was created!");

    //Mark the test as a PASS
    UIALogger.logPass (testName);

} else {

    UIALogger.logMessage("My entry was not created!");

    //Mark the test as a FAIL
    UIALogger.loFails (testName); 

//End test 


  • I recommend using tuneup_js. With that library you can easily created test cases and check if the label exists and is equal to My Dogs

    You can use it like this

    test("LoginCreateEntry", function(target,app){
        //Create Entry
        var myEntry = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().scrollViews().staticTexts()["My Dogs!"].name();
        //Check is Label is equal to My Dogs
        //Test "LoginCreateEntry" will fail if myEntry is not equal to My Dogs
        assertEquals(myEntry, "My Dogs");

    P.S. you should use .name() and not .value() to get the name of the label