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keep getting access violation after setting a breakpoint with winappdbg

i am using winappdbg framework to build a debugger in python.

i can set some breakpoints using the event.debug.break_at(event.get_pid(),address) in order to set the breakpoint but after setting certin breakpoints (and not while setting them but once the program hits them!) i get access violation exception.

for exemple i can set an access point at 0x48d1ea or 0x47a001 but if i set one at 0x408020 i get the exception.

the module base address is 0x400000.

0048D0BE: xor esi,eax

0048D0C0: call [winamp!start+0x25c1]

760DCC50: add [ebx],dh

Access Violation

Exception event (00000001) at address 779315DE, process 9172, thread 9616

b.t.w i am taking the address to set the breakpoints on from a pida file generated by IDA. i rebased the file so the address should be aligned



  • Apperently the pida_dump script didn't got the right base address so when i did a rebase the code was like

    address - old_base_address + new_base_address

    and because the old_base_address was worng it missed up my BP.

    thanks any way for the help!