I am working on a VBA class to create QR codes and I am getting stumped at the point where I write the QR data bits to an actual BMP file. To get the hang of the BMP structure and the code I could I have been trying to make a 21 x 21 pixel bitmap of all white using the code below. This almost works, except that the leftmost column in every row is yellow instead of white. Any ideas on what could be happening? I'm guessing there is something wrong with my header definition, but I'm not sure. I am far from a pro at BMPs. My code is based off what I found here http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2007-customize/how-can-i-create-a-bitmap-image-with-vba/4976480a-d20b-4b2a-8ecc-436428d9586b
Private Type typHEADER
strType As String * 2 ' Signature of file = "BM"
lngSize As Long ' File size
intRes1 As Integer ' reserved = 0
intRes2 As Integer ' reserved = 0
lngOffset As Long ' offset to the bitmap data (bits)
End Type
Private Type typINFOHEADER
lngSize As Long ' Size
lngWidth As Long ' Height
lngHeight As Long ' Length
intPlanes As Integer ' Number of image planes in file
intBits As Integer ' Number of bits per pixel
lngCompression As Long ' Compression type (set to zero)
lngImageSize As Long ' Image size (bytes, set to zero)
lngxResolution As Long ' Device resolution (set to zero)
lngyResolution As Long ' Device resolution (set to zero)
lngColorCount As Long ' Number of colors (set to zero for 24 bits)
lngImportantColors As Long ' "Important" colors (set to zero)
End Type
Private Type typPIXEL
bytB As Byte ' Blue
bytG As Byte ' Green
bytR As Byte ' Red
End Type
Private Type typBITMAPFILE
bmfh As typHEADER
bmbits() As Byte
End Type
Public Sub makeBMP(intQR() As Integer)
Dim bmpFile As typBITMAPFILE
Dim lngRowSize As Long
Dim lngPixelArraySize As Long
Dim lngFileSize As Long
Dim j, k, l, x As Integer
Dim bytRed, bytGreen, bytBlue As Integer
Dim lngRGBColoer() As Long
Dim strBMP As String
With bmpFile
With .bmfh
.strType = "BM"
.lngSize = 0
.intRes1 = 0
.intRes2 = 0
.lngOffset = 54
End With
With .bmfi
.lngSize = 40
.lngWidth = 21
.lngHeight = 21
.intPlanes = 1
.intBits = 24
.lngCompression = 0
.lngImageSize = 0
.lngxResolution = 0
.lngyResolution = 0
.lngColorCount = 0
.lngImportantColors = 0
End With
lngRowSize = Round(.bmfi.intBits * .bmfi.lngWidth / 32) * 4
lngPixelArraySize = lngRowSize * .bmfi.lngHeight
ReDim .bmbits(lngPixelArraySize)
ReDim lngRGBColor(21, 21)
For j = 1 To 21 ' For each row, starting at the bottom and working up...
'each column starting at the left
For x = 1 To 21
k = k + 1
.bmbits(k) = 255
k = k + 1
.bmbits(k) = 255
k = k + 1
.bmbits(k) = 255
Next x
If (21 * .bmfi.intBits / 8 < lngRowSize) Then ' Add padding if required
For l = 21 * .bmfi.intBits / 8 + 1 To lngRowSize
k = k + 1
.bmbits(k) = 0
Next l
End If
Next j
.bmfh.lngSize = 14 + 40 + lngPixelArraySize
End With ' Defining bmpFile
strBMP = "C:\Desktop\Sample.BMP"
Open strBMP For Binary Access Write As 1 Len = 1
Put 1, 1, bmpFile.bmfh
Put 1, , bmpFile.bmfi
Put 1, , bmpFile.bmbits
End Sub
It's a row byte-alignment problem. Pad each row with one extra byte and your problem should vanish.
Posted so that you have an answer to check off. :)
Also, here is a good bmp tool. https://50ab6472f92ea10153000096.openlearningapps.net/run/view