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Constructing Vala Gtk object using builder contents

It would be ideal to be able to create a new widget that uses builder to load its contents, eg.

public class MyDialog : Dialog
    public MyDialog
        Gtk.Builder builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
        builder.add_from_file ("dialog.ui");
        this = builder.get_object ("my_dialog") as Gtk.Widget;

Obviously this won't work because this = is an invalid assignment, but I'm wondering if there is a way to set a widget's contents using those that have been loaded from builder.

For the meantime I've replaced the this = ... with

var content = get_content_area ();
var dialog = builder.get_object ("my_dialog") as Gtk.Widget;
var _content = (dialog as Dialog).get_content_area ();
_content.reparent (content);

which does work, but it still would make sense to me to be able to load directly in.



  • Nope, not possible. The C++ binding to Gtk.Builder has this, but unfortunately it relies on C++ templates and hasn't been implemented in any other binding.