Alright, how do I start this?
I have an application which is able to draw some shapes (actually it's a few thousand) on the screen. There are two types of them: Rectangles and Lines. Rectangles have a Fill, Lines have a Stroke + StrokeThickness.
I read data from two files, one has the data for the top side, one for the bottom side. To display the data, I use a Viewbox with a Canvas inside (so the contents are nicely stretched). The whole thing on the display looks like this (this is correct):
Now the very same application is supposed to print this image to a Printer (for testing I use the XPS Printer that comes with Windows).
When I print it (code follows), it gives for top the very same drawing, but for bottom the following:
It looks like all "lines" are missing (the rectangles exist). To display the bottom, I use a scale transform with -1/-1 (mirror it horizontally as well as vertically). If I set the scale transform to 1/1 I get the following:
Now I am stuck. Why do all the lines disappear, but they are there if it's not mirrored. Also the outermost rectangle is a little bit shifted (this could be due to the data, so please don't focus on that).
The code that I use for drawing on screen is:
<Viewbox Grid.Row="0" RenderTransform="{Binding RenderTransform}" Margin="20" Name="VwBox">
<Point X="0.5" Y="0.5"></Point>
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Drawing}" ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource DataTypeTemplateSelector}">
<Canvas Width="{Binding DrawingWidth}" Height="{Binding DrawingHeight}">
<Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
<Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="{Binding Left}"/>
<Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding Top}"/>
For printing I do not rely on XAMl, but do it manually (it doesn't change a thing if I use the ContentPresenter or not):
if (gs is GerberLine)
ContentPresenter cp = new ContentPresenter();
var line = new Line();
Canvas.SetLeft(cp, gs.Left);
Canvas.SetTop(cp, gs.Top);
line.X1 = 0.0;
line.Y1 = 0.0;
line.X2 = gs.Width;
line.Y2 = gs.Height;
line.Stroke = gs.Brush;
line.StrokeThickness = ((GerberLine)gs).StrokeThickness;
cp.Content = line;
if (gs is GerberRect)
var r = new Rectangle();
Canvas.SetLeft(r, gs.Left);
Canvas.SetTop(r, gs.Top);
r.Width = gs.Width;
r.Height = gs.Height;
r.Fill = gs.Brush;
It looks like the lines do only disappear as soon as I mirror it horizontally since the top view is always correct (and it is mirrored vertically as well).
Any ideas? I'll be happy to elaborate if something is unclear. I think it has something to do with the scale transform, but I don't understand how (also why does it work on screen then?).
Here is what I would try:
Maybe the XPS driver in particular does not like the negative scaling. Test with a different printer (PDF output or a real printer).
Use Rotate(180) instead of Scale(-1,-1).
After building your target document for print, rasterize it with RenderTargetBitmap , save the resulting bitmap, and see if that looks as expected.
Create a minimal Gerber model and send that through the XPS code path. Rename the .xps to .zip, and inspect the XML directly (it will be in Documents\1\Pages\1.fpage
or something similar).