I have got a strange behaviour on a TYPO3 based website. When I'm logged into the backend of the site and try to edit a certain block element of a text part, Internet Explorer displays the move cursor while on mouse over. In this very case it's a li - element which was previously styled with a custom style. Once the parent ul - element gets its special class (this happens by selecting the appripriate block style in the drop down) IE drives itself crazy.
I already tried to get rid of this by activating al kinds of TSConfig properties. But nothing appeared to help up until now.
The settings
disableAlignmentFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
disableSpacingFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
disableColorFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
disableLayoutFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
disableBordersFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
## Show borders on table creation
buttons.toggleborders.setOnTableCreation = 1
did not help so far.
Is there somebody out there having the same or a similar issue? How did you get rid of that?
Thanks a lot.
I don't know if it's your case but this behavior can happen due to some attributes in the CSS file that is loaded by the htmlArea: RTE.default.contentCSS
I'm not able to tell you in which versions of IE this can happen (I can reproduce it in IE 7) and I don't know all the attributes that might cause this but I know that for example min-height
might trigger this.
So start with debugging the CSS by removing atttributes from it. Make sure the browser loads the new version of the file after each change and before the content with the RTE is opened again! (open the file in a new tab to check the content that the browser uses)