I put Jquery Tools's Overlay in my site to show a projects' info in several overlays. This works pretty ok, but I have been trying to 'automate' the code to read new projects and load them in overlays. What happen looks ok, but no matter which project I click, the overlays allways load the content of the first project...
I did a lot of googling around and copy-pasting to get this far, I am not (yet) much of a programmer, I hope the code doesn't scare you guys.. ;-)
Anyway, here's a link: http://www.wgwd.nl/test
If you click 'Projects' a normal div opens that loads all the projects it finds (two, for now). When you click one it opens that content in 3 overlays. As said, unfortunately it allways loads the same content independent of which project you click.
I have tried to assign the JScript a unique function name (generated with php from the project's filename) but that doesn't seem to work.
Any ideas? here's my code :
//reads projectfolder and distills
//a basename out of the project description.txt
$textfiles = glob('content/projects/*.txt', GLOB_BRACE);
foreach ($textfiles as $textfile) { ?>
<div id="details"> <?
$pad = pathinfo ($textfile);
$base_name = basename($textfile,'.'.$pad['extension']);
// the link that opens the overlays. Don't think the "id" tag is nescessary
echo '<a id="'.$base_name.'" href="#" onclick="'.$base_name.'()"><img src="'.$base_name.'/main.jpg"/></a>' ?>
<!-- defines overlay, hidden by default -->
<div id="dragwindow1" class="overlay ol1">
<a class="close"></a>
include ('content/projects/'.$base_name.'/content.txt');
// the description of each project
include ($textfile);
// within the foreach open all overlays with function name $base_name
var <?=$base_name?> = function () {
$("a[rel]").each(function() {
<hr />
<? } //end foreach ?>
<!-- somehow, without defining these links, the whole 'open all overlay' thing doesn't work -->
<a rel="div.overlay:eq(0)" type="button" style="display: none">first</an>
<a rel="div.overlay:eq(1)" type="button" style="display: none">second</a>
<a rel="div.overlay:eq(2)" type="button" style="display: none">third</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function projects() {
// positions for each overlay
var positions = [
[120, '15%'], //uppper left, #1
[70, '60%'], // lower left, #2
['60%', '40%'], // lower right, #3
// setup triggers
$("a[rel]").each(function(i) {
// common configuration for each overlay
oneInstance: false,
// setup custom finish position
top: positions[i][0],
left: positions[i][1],
Thx in advance!
EDIT: I edited the code to omit all that's unrelated The question remains: Javascript only returns the content of the first call in the foreach loop. Is there anyway to generate multiple instances of the javascript for each loop in the PHP?
SOLVED! With big, big, help of a friend, who redefined how multiple Overlays from Jquery Tools could work (and should have worked in the first place...)
Without getting too much into it, here's the code for future reference:
Basically the trick is:
// open all overlays
function openAll(currentOverlays) {
The complete page is now something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
// positions for each overlay
var positions = [
['60%', 540], // lower right, #3
[80, '65%'], // lower left, #2
[120, '12%'], //uppper right, #1
// setup triggers
$("div.overlay").each(function(i) {
// some configuration for each overlay
// positioning the overlays
top: positions[i % 3][0],
left: positions[i % 3][1]
// open all overlays
function openAll(currentOverlays) {
// close all overlays
function closeAll(currentOverlays) {
<div id="projectstarter">
<div class="maindetails">
<a class="close"></a> <!-- defines a close button for the overlay -->
$textfiles = glob('content/projects/*.txt', GLOB_BRACE);
foreach ($textfiles as $textfile) {
$pad = pathinfo ($textfile);
$base_name = basename($textfile,'.'.$pad['extension']);
echo '<a href="#" onclick="openAll(\'div.'.$base_name.'\')">';
echo '<img src="./content/projects/'.$base_name.'/projectimage.jpg" class="thumb"/></a></div>';
include '$textfile'; //project description
} // end MAIN foreach ?>
<div id="projects">
foreach ($textfiles as $textfile) {
$pad = pathinfo ($textfile);
$base_name = basename($textfile,'.'.$pad['extension']); ?>
<div id="dragwindow3" class="<?=$base_name?> overlay ol3">
<a class="close"></a>
<div class="details">
// include media here
<div id="dragwindow2" class="<?=$base_name?> overlay ol2">
<a class="close"></a>
<div class="details">
// include credits here
<div id="dragwindow1" class="<?=$base_name?> overlay ol1 ">
<a class="close"></a>
<div class="details">
// include content here
<? } ?>
$( "#projectstarter" ).overlay();
$( "#projectstarter" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});
$( ".ol1" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});
$( ".ol2" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});
$( ".ol3" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});