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How to copy document library documents to local drive programmatically in Sharepoint 2007

How do I copy document library documents to local drive programmatically in Sharepoint 2007?


  • I'm not at my computer but something like this should do the trick.

    using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sitecol"))
       SPWeb web = site.RootWeb;
       SPFolder docLib = web.GetFolder("DocLibName");
       foreach (SPFile f in docLib.Files)
          // Use RWEP when accessing local file system
             System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\Location\" + f.Name, f.OpenBinary());

    Basically grab your site collection, then grab your spweb object, then grab your document library as a SPFolder. Then do a foreach loop through all the files in that folder, saving the byte array to your local filesystem.

    Hope this helps!