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Calculating the Median Across Columns of a Table

I need to calculate the median across column values of a table that include various age ranges, and I'm having trouble finding the answer to my problem. The table is structured as follows:

ID    0-5    5-10    11-15    16-20   ...
1     14     5       12       5       ...
2     5      11      14       17      ...

I've read about finding the median of data, using rowcount and aggregates, but that seems to require the data all be in the same column. Because of this, I think I need to use the PIVOT function within SQL, but I can't figure out the syntax needed. Can anyone help me with this?


  • There is no method that is really elegant. I would go for brute force:

    select id,
           (case when tot1 >= totn / 2 then 'col1'
                 when tot2 >= totn / 2 then 'col2'
            . . .
           ) as mediancolumn
    from (select t.*,
                 col1 as Tot1,
                 col1 + col2 as Tot2,
                 . . .
                 (col1 + col2 + . . . coln) as Totn
          from t
         ) t

    If you actually want to parse the ranges, then the same idea holds. But you need to change the then part of the case statement to handle the numeric values.