I am in process of designing an Android App :a poetry application, which would
a. display the poetry
b. audio controls - start, stop, restart, move for poetry
There are currently collection of 25 poems and it may update in future.
One way is to
Approach 1. Make a static app with all available content and update the app regulary with newer contents Advantage: Easy to develop as everything is static Disadvantage: App would be heavy as it would contain lot of content.
Approach 2 Is it possible to put content seperately from the app,ex. app is installed and the content is placed on external storage memory. Using this mechanism, everytime there is a update, the content can be replaced with new contents (approach 2 = a very light weight player capable of showing content (may be in form of image) and audio capabilities + a separate location where content (images+mp3) are placed)
Approach 3. Make a hybrid app, as the user request for a content , the content is downloaded at run time and played using android audio capabilites.
Approach 4. Make pure HTML5 based web app.
Is there any other possibility ? Which option is more beneficial from user experience point of view.
Many thanks in advance
I would go with Approach 2,5, it is a mix of Approach 2 and Approach 3 where you save the downloaded file to a database so you do not download the same file multiple times and then play it.
Some clarification, as I understood Approach 2 would only have more poems if there was a Google Play update and Approach 3 was streaming. Using Approach 2,5 you will get the storage from Approach 2 and the playback from Approach 3.
Update: The term I was looking for was to synchronize data. Approach 2,5 is really just a way to download for instance a JSON and parse it then download the files and put it in a database where the app later can access it. With this approach the user need not update the app and if you want to remove a poem that is also possible.