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Jquery UI Droppable: How can I use different hoverClass values based on some logic?

I am using the JQuery UI droppable library features, and I want to provide visual user feedback when they hover over a droppable target. For this I can easily use the hoverClass option to specify which class to use when they have a draggable item hovering over.

But what I want to do is use a different hoverClass value depending on some logic. Basically, there are a number of areas that are "droppable", and there is a number of items that can be dragged and dropped - however, not all items can be dropped on all areas. So I would like to have, for example, a green background if the drop is valid, and a red background if the drop is invalid.

How can this be done? I know what logic I want to use, but where can I add the logic. It obviously needs to be somewhere I can access the element being dragged, and the potential drop target element.

My simple code so far is as follows:

    revert: true,
    helper: "clone"

    tolerance: "touch",
    hoverClass: "DropTargetValid"


  • $(".DropItem").droppable({
        tolerance: "touch",
        hoverClass: "DropTargetValid",
        over: function(event, ui) {
           console.log(ui.draggable); // the draggable object
           console.log($(this)); // the droppable object

    This should do it. On over that event will be triggered on all .DropItem elements. You can find more about the available events API here: