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phpFlickr and getting images from Flickr

I'm trying to pull in images from Flickr using the phpFlickr library but the docs seem to be quite vague and the results aren't as good as i would like, i wonder if anyone can shed some light on my code (maybe i'm using the wrong syntax?).

It works for some queries mainly 1 word queries, i.e. if i send the $tag "inter" it will find some photos on inter, but if i send "Inter Milan FC" it will not, even though a flickr search clearly shows lots of inter milan fc photos.

Below is my implementation of the phpFlickr function....

function flickr_feed ( $tag ) {
    $f = new phpFlickr("MY API KEY", "MY API SECRET");
    $tags = $f->photos_search(array("tags"=>$tag, "tag_mode"=>"any","per_page"=>"20"));
    foreach ($tags['photo'] as $photo) {
        if($counter =="0" || $counter =="5" || $counter =="10" || $counter =="15") { $first = " first"; } else { $first = ""; }
        echo '<div class="flickr-thumb'.$first.'">
                <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://farm'.$photo['farm'].''.$photo['server'].'/'.$photo['id'].'_'.$photo['secret'].'.jpg" title="'.$photo['title'].'">
                <img src="http://farm'.$photo['farm'].''.$photo['server'].'/'.$photo['id'].'_'.$photo['secret'].'_s.jpg" alt="'.$photo['title'].'"></a>

I am also open to using other means of getting images from flickr (and not just phpflickr), i merely want to send a search to flickr and get a list of images, ideally i can control the amount that come back! that's it really, a simple task that is proving quite difficult :(


  • i've resolved it...

    $tags = $f->photos_search(array("text"=>$tag, "sort"=>"interestingness-desc","per_page"=>"20"));

    Use "text" search rather than tags!