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Android add MMS to database

I want to add some MMS messages into my device database.

I've the following code but it doesn't work at all. No entry are added into the native app...

public static Uri insert(Context context, String[] to, String subject, Uri messageUri)
        Uri destUri = Uri.parse("content://mms/sent");

        // Get thread id
        Set<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>();
        long thread_id = getOrCreateThreadId(context, recipients);
        Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Thread ID is " + thread_id);

        // Create a dummy sms
        ContentValues dummyValues = new ContentValues();
        dummyValues.put("thread_id", thread_id);
        dummyValues.put("body", "Dummy SMS body.");
        Uri dummySms = context.getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://sms/sent"), dummyValues);

        // Create a new message entry
        ContentValues mmsValues = new ContentValues();
        mmsValues.put("thread_id", thread_id);
        mmsValues.put("date", System.currentTimeMillis()/1000);
        mmsValues.put("ct_t", "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related");
        mmsValues.put("read", "1");
        mmsValues.put("sub", subject);

        // Create part
        long dummyId = System.currentTimeMillis();
        createPart(context, dummyId, imageBytes);

        // Insert message
        Uri res = context.getContentResolver().insert(destUri, mmsValues);
        String messageId = res.getLastPathSegment().trim();
        Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Message saved as " + res);

        // Update part
        ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues();
        updateValues.put("mid", messageId);
        Uri updateUri = Uri.parse("content://mms/" + dummyId + "/part");
        int mmsPartRows = context.getContentResolver().update(updateUri, updateValues, null, null);
        Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Part rows " + mmsPartRows);

        // Create addresses
        for (String addr : to)
            ContentValues addrValues = new ContentValues();
            addrValues.put("address", addr);
            addrValues.put("charset", "106");
            addrValues.put("type", 151); // TO
            Uri addrUri = Uri.parse("content://mms/"+ messageId +"/addr");
            Uri mmsAddrUri = context.getContentResolver().insert(addrUri, addrValues);
            Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Addr uri is " + mmsAddrUri.toString());

        res = Uri.parse(destUri + "/" + messageId);

        // Delete dummy sms
        context.getContentResolver().delete(dummySms, null, null);

        return res;
    catch (Exception e)

    return null;

private static Uri createPart(Context context, long id, byte[] imageBytes) throws Exception
    ContentValues mmsPartValue = new ContentValues();
    mmsPartValue.put("ct", "image/png");
    Uri partUri = Uri.parse("content://mms/" + id + "/part");
    Uri res = context.getContentResolver().insert(partUri, mmsPartValue);
    Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Part uri is " + res.toString());

    // Add data to part
    OutputStream os = context.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(res);
    ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
    for (int len=0; ( != -1;)
        os.write(buffer, 0, len);

    return res;

private static long getOrCreateThreadId(Context context, String[] numbers)
    HashSet<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>();
    return Telephony.Threads.getOrCreateThreadId(context, recipients);
  • context is my view context
  • to is a string array containing the addresses (eg. new String[] {"0612345678", "0623456789"})
  • subject is my MMS subject such as "Sent via MyApp"
  • messageUri is an Uri pointing to the image I want to send on my SD card.

Am I doing it wrong ?


  • Finally I found how to do the job ! Here is the code I made.

    Tell me if you got some troubles with this.

    public static Uri insert(Context context, String[] to, String subject, byte[] imageBytes)
            Uri destUri = Uri.parse("content://mms");
            // Get thread id
            Set<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>();
            long thread_id = getOrCreateThreadId(context, recipients);
            Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Thread ID is " + thread_id);
            // Create a dummy sms
            ContentValues dummyValues = new ContentValues();
            dummyValues.put("thread_id", thread_id);
            dummyValues.put("body", "Dummy SMS body.");
            Uri dummySms = context.getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://sms/sent"), dummyValues);
            // Create a new message entry
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            ContentValues mmsValues = new ContentValues();
            mmsValues.put("thread_id", thread_id);
            mmsValues.put("date", now/1000L);
            mmsValues.put("msg_box", MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX);
            //mmsValues.put("m_id", System.currentTimeMillis());
            mmsValues.put("read", 1);
            mmsValues.put("sub", subject);
            mmsValues.put("sub_cs", 106);
            mmsValues.put("ct_t", "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related");
            mmsValues.put("exp", imageBytes.length);
            mmsValues.put("m_cls", "personal");
            mmsValues.put("m_type", 128); // 132 (RETRIEVE CONF) 130 (NOTIF IND) 128 (SEND REQ)
            mmsValues.put("v", 19);
            mmsValues.put("pri", 129);
            mmsValues.put("tr_id", "T"+ Long.toHexString(now));
            mmsValues.put("resp_st", 128);
            // Insert message
            Uri res = context.getContentResolver().insert(destUri, mmsValues);
            String messageId = res.getLastPathSegment().trim();
            Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Message saved as " + res);
            // Create part
            createPart(context, messageId, imageBytes);
            // Create addresses
            for (String addr : to)
                createAddr(context, messageId, addr);
            //res = Uri.parse(destUri + "/" + messageId);
            // Delete dummy sms
            context.getContentResolver().delete(dummySms, null, null);
            return res;
        catch (Exception e)
        return null;
    private static Uri createPart(Context context, String id, byte[] imageBytes) throws Exception
        ContentValues mmsPartValue = new ContentValues();
        mmsPartValue.put("mid", id);
        mmsPartValue.put("ct", "image/png");
        mmsPartValue.put("cid", "<" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ">");
        Uri partUri = Uri.parse("content://mms/" + id + "/part");
        Uri res = context.getContentResolver().insert(partUri, mmsPartValue);
        Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Part uri is " + res.toString());
        // Add data to part
        OutputStream os = context.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(res);
        ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
        for (int len=0; ( != -1;)
            os.write(buffer, 0, len);
        return res;
    private static Uri createAddr(Context context, String id, String addr) throws Exception
        ContentValues addrValues = new ContentValues();
        addrValues.put("address", addr);
        addrValues.put("charset", "106");
        addrValues.put("type", 151); // TO
        Uri addrUri = Uri.parse("content://mms/"+ id +"/addr");
        Uri res = context.getContentResolver().insert(addrUri, addrValues);
        Log.e(">>>>>>>", "Addr uri is " + res.toString());
        return res;