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WYSIWYG in Chrome

I have a problem with my WYSIWYG-Editor, it works in FF but not in Chrome :(

Here's the code:

    $.fn.textEdit = function(){
        return this.each(function(){
            var $this = $(this), $div = $('<div class="textEdit"></div>');

                var $buttonObserve = function(cmd,b,val){

                    document.execCommand('styleWithCSS', 0, false);
                    document.execCommand(cmd, b||false, val||null);


                            .click(function(){ $buttonObserve('bold') })
                            .click(function(){ $buttonObserve('italic') })
                        $('<div/>').addClass('textEditUnderline transparent').text('_').attr('title','Unterstrich').css('background', 'url() no-repeat 0 1px')
                            .click(function(){ $buttonObserve('underline') })
                            .click(function(){  $this.parents('#page2').find('.editable').removeClass('editable').removeAttr('contentEditable');
                                                $this.parents('#page2').find('.textEdit').remove('.textEdit'); })



This function get activated if the user click on an p, div elemt and so on, it will create 4 buttons, for make the text: Bold, italic, underlined, oder delete the buttons.

The Problem is: If i select the text and press a button, nothing happens, just the delete button works.

I think Chrome doesn't accept my selected text.

I hope u guys can help me! :)


  • Looks like execCommand() support has been removed from Webkit. QuirksMode doesn't even list the later browsers in the support matrix.!topic/chromium-extensions/QytGD5gCREY

    To get the selected text you could follow this method

    How to replace selected text with html in a contenteditable element?