I have a report server that needs to parse a string with some arguments controlling what is in the report.
I am using the parser library sprache to help with this. All is working fine except for one thing I'm stuck on.
I have a time filter that can be one of the following values: today, yesterday, last week, last month, none or custom.
It is custom that is giving me some grief. All of the others are just simple strings. Custom also has a from and to properties afterwards.
private static readonly Parser<DataFilterEntity> TimeFilter =
from filter in Parse.String("today").Return(DataFilterEntity.Today)
.Or(Parse.String("last week").Return(DataFilterEntity.LastWeek)
.Or(Parse.String("last month").Return(DataFilterEntity.LastMonth)
select filter;
The custom line is the problem. I need to parse the "custom" string but then parse the from and to DateTime fields as well and pass them through to DataFilterEntity.Custom(from, to)
Any ideas much appreciated.
You need to create a parser for DateTime first and then a parser for your custom type. Here's a 'simplest thing that could possibly work' example. You'd probably want to make the DateTimeParser a bit more specific in the values it accepts. I don't know what the constructor for your DataFilterEntity looks like, so I guessed :)
public static readonly Parser<DateTime> DateTimeParser =
from day in Parse.Number
from s1 in Parse.Char('/')
from month in Parse.Number
from s2 in Parse.Char('/')
from year in Parse.Number
select new DateTime(int.Parse(year), int.Parse(month), int.Parse(day));
public static readonly Parser<DataFilterEntity> CustomParser =
from a1 in Parse.String("custom").Token()
from fromDateTime in DateTimeParser.Token()
from toDateTime in DateTimeParser.Token()
select new DataFilterEntity(fromDateTime.ToShortDateString() + " -> " + toDateTime.ToShortDateString());
public static readonly Parser<DataFilterEntity> TimeFilter =
.Or(Parse.String("last week").Return(DataFilterEntity.LastWeek)
.Or(Parse.String("last month").Return(DataFilterEntity.LastMonth)
public void TestIt()
var result = TimeFilter.Parse("custom 21/3/2013 10/4/2013");
Console.Out.WriteLine("result.Value = {0}", result.Value);