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How can I Delete Cell in AQGridView?

I am using AQGridView to show images in GridView. Now i have to Delete The Cell which is added in GridView. In table View We can delete Each Cell usingcommitEditingStyle is there any Method In AQGridView Framework. Or Please give me any Alternate Framework for Insert and Delete Which is showing in GridView.

My another Question is If i use UIColletionView it will Support in below iOS 6 or Not?


  • [gridArray removeObjectAtIndex:[albumCell displayIndex]];
    NSIndexSet* set = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[albumCell displayIndex]]; 
    [gridView beginUpdates];    
    [gridView deleteItemsAtIndices:set  withAnimation:AQGridViewItemAnimationFade];
    [gridView endUpdates];

    also check this link