I'd like to place a POD type constrain on type parameter T
of class template A
and then derive another class template B
from the satisfactory A
. Besides, B
is supposed to have different implementation according to constancy of instance of A
. The purpose of doing all this is about, well you know, for better type checking before runtime.
All I can figure out is a tentative definition of A
template <typename T, typename POD=void>
class A;
template <typename T>
class A <T, std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>::type>
so that A can't be instantialized when passing non-POD type, as you might have noticed that partial parameterization does the trick like a type switch.
But I can't figure out how B could be defined. I presume it looks like the following
template <typename A?>
class B;
template <>
B<const A?> : public A?
template <>
B<A?> : public A?
Any brilliant idea?
PS: Personally I tend to be highly critical. But just post how you think this could be done anyway.
There is no brilliant idea if the specializations are going to be completely different. You have to go with this:
template <typename T>
class B;
template <typename T>
class B<const A<T>> : public A<T>
template <typename T>
class B<A<T>> : public A<T>
which is almost same as you've written yourself except ?
You can instantiate this class as:
B<A<int>> x; //it chooses the second specialization
B<const A<int>> y; //it chooses the first specialization
See online demo. Note that you've forgotten typename
typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>::type
I fixed that too.
If some code in the specializations are going to be same, then you could do some trick in order to share the common part, but I cannot suggest anything as I don't know what you're going to put in the specializations.