I remember when I was in DSA I was like wtf O(n) and wondering where would I use it other than in grad school or if you're not a PhD like Bloch. Somehow uses for it does pop up in business analysis, so I was wondering when have you guys had to call up your Big O skills to see how to write an algorithm, which data structure did you use to fit or whether you had to actually create a new ds (like your own implementation of a splay tree or trie).
Honestly, being able to answer that stuff is my biggest criterion for taking interviewees seriously in an interview. Knowing how basic data structures work, basic O(n) analysis, and some light theory is really crucial to being able to write large applications successfully.
It's important in the interview because it's important in the job. I've worked with techs in the past that were self taught, without taking the data structures course or reading a data structures book, and their code is occasionally bad in ways they should have seen coming.
If you don't know that n2 is going to run slowly compared to n log n, you've got more to learn.
As far as the later half of the data structures courses, it isn't generally applicable to most tech jobs, but if you ever do wind up needing it, you'll wish you had paid more attention.