I've been trying to find an answer to this question for a few hours now on the web and on this site, and I'm not quite there.
I understand that .NET allocates 1MB to apps, and that it's best to avoid stack overflow by recoding instead of forcing stack size.
I'm working on a "shortest path" app that works great up to about 3000 nodes, at which point it overflows. Here's the method that causes problems:
public void findShortestPath(int current, int end, int currentCost)
if (!weight.ContainsKey(current))
weight.Add(current, currentCost);
Node currentNode = graph[current];
var sortedEdges = (from entry in currentNode.edges orderby entry.Value ascending select entry);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> nextNode in sortedEdges)
if (!visited.ContainsKey(nextNode.Key) || !visited[nextNode.Key])
int nextNodeCost = currentCost + nextNode.Value;
if (!weight.ContainsKey(nextNode.Key))
weight.Add(nextNode.Key, nextNodeCost);
else if (weight[nextNode.Key] > nextNodeCost)
weight[nextNode.Key] = nextNodeCost;
visited.Add(current, true);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> nextNode in sortedEdges)
if(!visited.ContainsKey(nextNode.Key) || !visited[nextNode.Key]){
findShortestPath(nextNode.Key, end, weight[nextNode.Key]);
For reference, the Node class has one member:
public Dictionary<int, int> edges = new Dictionary<int, int>();
graph[] is:
private Dictionary<int, Node> graph = new Dictonary<int, Node>();
I've tried to opimize the code so that it isn't carrying any more baggage than needed from one iteration (recursion?) to the next, but with a 100K-Node graph with each node having between 1-9 edges it's going to hit that 1MB limit pretty quickly.
Anyway, I'm new to C# and code optimization, if anyone could give me some pointers (not like this) I would appreciate it.
A while back I explored this problem in my blog. Or, rather, I explored a related problem: how do you find the depth of a binary tree without using recursion? A recursive tree depth solution is trivial, but blows the stack if the tree is highly imbalanced.
My recommendation is to study ways of solving this simpler problem, and then decide which of them, if any, could be adapted to your slightly more complex algorithm.
Note that in these articles the examples are given entirely in JScript. However, it should not be difficult to adapt them to C#.
Here we start by defining the problem.
The first attempt at a solution is the classic technique that you'll probably adopt: define an explicit stack; use it rather than relying upon the operating system and compiler implementing the stack for you. This is what most people do when faced with this problem.
The problem with that solution is that it's a bit of a mess. We can go even farther than simply making our own stack. We can make our own little domain-specific virtual machine that has its own heap-allocated stack, and then solve the problem by writing a program that targets that machine! This is actually easier than it sounds; the operations of the machine can be extremely high level.
And finally, if you are really a glutton for punishment (or a compiler developer) you can rewrite your program in Continuation Passing Style, thereby eliminating the need for a stack at all:
CPS is a particularly clever way of moving the implicit stack data structure off the system stack and onto the heap by encoding it in the relationships between a bunch of delegates.
Here are all of my articles on recursion: