I have a basic nested form. I want to access a virtual attribute for the nested form's model.
Model 1: Lease
Has_many :transactions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :transactions, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:dated].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
Model 2: Transaction
belongs_to :lease
def balance_to_date(aDate)
#Returns the current balance up to aDate
In the nested form I want to put something like:
<td style="width:100px;"><%= nested_f.text_field :dated, size: 8 %> </td>
<td style="width:100px;"><%= nested_f.text_field :label, size: 8 %> </td>
<td style="width:100px;"><%= nested_f.text_field :credit, size: 6 %> </td>
<td style="width:100px;"><%= nested_f.text_field :debit, size: 6 %> </td>
<td style="width:100px;"><%= nested_f.balance_to_date(:dated) %> </td>
And I want the following to give me the balance to date.
Or to be able to do something like
Running the code as shown here gives me:
undefined method `balance_to_date' for#<ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder:0xac78bac>
Other than the virtual attribute error, this form works as expected.
The code should produce an editable table of transactions with the balance up to that point. ( [xx] are my way of showing input fields ).
Dated Label Credit Debit Balance
[ 1/1/2012 ] [ Rent due ] [ ] [ 600 ] -600
[ 1/2/2012 ] [ Payment ] [ 600 ] [ ] 0
[ 2/1/2012 ] [ Rent due ] [ ] [ 600 ] -600
[ 2/2/2012 ] [ Payment ] [ 500 ] [ ] -100
[ 3/1/2012 ] [ Rent due ] [ ] [ 600 ] -700
[ 3/6/2012 ] [ late fee ] [ ] [ 50 ] -750
[ 3/7/2012 ] [ Payment ] [ 800 ] [ ] 50
[ 4/1/2012 ] [ Rent due ] [ ] [ 600 ] -550
Any advice on how to access and display that virtual attribute of the model and the date from the current record being displayed would be really appreciated. I hope I haven't duplicated a previous question.
I'm using Rails 3.2.12 and Ruby 1.9.3.
Thanks! Phil
If I understand what you're trying to do, you're very close. You just need to drill down one level to access the model object that the form builder is using:
<td style="width:100px;"><%= nested_f.object.balance_to_date(:dated) %> </td>