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TinyXML getting Value

given XML like:


I need to get the fact that <result> is 0 and act upon it.

I am doing:

TiXmlDocument doc;
bool bOK = doc.Parse((const char*)chunk.memory, 0, TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8);
if (bOK)
    TiXmlHandle hDoc(&doc);
    TiXmlElement *pRoot, *pParm, *pParm2;
    pRoot = doc.FirstChildElement("a");
        pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("result");
        if (pParm)
            if (pParm->GetText()=="0")
                pParm2 = pRoot->NextSiblingElement("data");
                if (pParm2)
                    sValue = pParm2->GetText();
                    std::cout << "sValue: " << sValue << std::endl;

I thought that GetText() was the right answer, but I am doing something wrong because I never get inside the if to check the <data> element.

Can anyone shed some light for me?


  • Because in your case, <data> isn't Sibling of <a>.

    You're checking pRoot->NextSiblingElement("data") while you should check for pParm->NextSiblingElement("data");

    You could also change it to

    pParm2 = pRoot->FirstChildElement("data");

    Edit: Sorry, i thought you were referring to this if:

    if (pParm2)

    So, the solution could be this:

    if (std::string(pParm->GetText())=="0")


    if (strcmp(pParm->GetText(), "0"))

    You choose. I prefer the first one.

    Edit 2:

    I'm really sorry, I was forgetting that strcmp return the first position of where the 2 strings are the same, so, in your case it should be:

    if (strcmp(pParm->GetText(), "0") == 0)

    You need to include <string.h> too.