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How do I configure NHibernate (or Fluent NHib) to add a table name prefix to all table names?

In the current application I'm developing I'm using Fluent NHibernate to configure NHibernate for use as an ORM. I want to be able to add a prefix to all the table names used in the application, so that if I use a database that is already servicing another application, there are no naming conflicts between the two applications.

So for instance if I wanted to add a prefix of Portal_ to each table, the Users table would become Portal_Users.

Of course, I know how to configure each table name in each mapping file, but that's not really a good solution for what I'm trying to do. If I ever wanted to change the prefix, I would be forced to change each of the mapping files. I want to be able to add (or change) the prefix to all the table names in a single place in my code or configuration.

How does one add a prefix to all table names within an application using NHibernate (or Fluent NHibernate)?


  • For a fluent implementation..

     public class AutoPersistenceModelGenerator : IAutoPersistenceModelGenerator
            public AutoPersistenceModel Generate()
                var mappings = new AutoPersistenceModel();
        private Action<IConventionFinder> GetConventions()
            return c =>


           public class TableNameConvention : IClassConvention
                public void Apply(FluentNHibernate.Conventions.Instances.IClassInstance 
                    instance.Table(Inflector.Net.Inflector.Pluralize("Portal_" + 