I have written some codes to store image files in MongoDB. Now I want to filter and retrieve some images from the mongoDB. I want to filter out some images which has some set of characters on the image name. For Ex: say I have stored aaaa_DEX.jpg, bbbb_DEX.jpg, cccc_BVX.jpg, dddd_OUI.jpg, eeee_DEX.jpg images in mongoDB and I want to get all the images which has the "DEX" on there names. Will it be possible with Query builder? How can I do this?
To upload I use:
public JsonResult UploadPrimaryImage(string hotelCode)
var db = _hoteldbObj.Instance();
var primaryImageBucket = new MongoGridFS(db, new MongoGridFSSettings() {Root = "HotelPrimaryImage"});
foreach (string httpFile in Request.Files)
var postedFile = Request.Files[httpFile];
if(postedFile == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid file");
var bytes = ReadToEnd(postedFile.InputStream);
using (var c = primaryImageBucket.Create(hotelCode, new MongoGridFSCreateOptions() { ContentType = postedFile.ContentType }))
c.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
return new JsonResult();
Thank You
Performing a .find("ABC") where ABC is your filename will handle this if querying on the full file name.
If you want to query on a substring within the file name, my suggestion would be to save the substring as part of the metadata object. See this post for an example of working with metadata.