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JUnit test scanning folder class

I want write several tests, but from a high level each of them should populate a directory structure with some files. I'd test each of these cases at least:

A single folder with a file that passes the filter.
A single folder with a file that does NOT pass the filter.
A nested folder with a file in each.


class FolderScan implements Runnable {

    private String path;
    private BlockingQueue<File> queue;
    private CountDownLatch latch;
    private File endOfWorkFile;
    private List<Checker> checkers;

    FolderScan(String path, BlockingQueue<File> queue, CountDownLatch latch,
            File endOfWorkFile) {
        this.path = path;
        this.queue = queue;
        this.latch = latch;
        this.endOfWorkFile = endOfWorkFile;
        checkers = new ArrayList<Checker>(Arrays.asList(new ExtentionsCheker(),
                new ProbeContentTypeCheker(), new CharsetDetector()));

    public FolderScan() {

    public void run() {

    private void findFiles(String path) {
        boolean checksPassed = true;
        File root;

        try {
            root = new File(path);
            File[] list = root.listFiles();
            for (File currentFile : list) {
                if (currentFile.isDirectory()) {
                } else {
                    for (Checker currentChecker : checkers) {
                        if (!currentChecker.check(currentFile)) {
                            checksPassed = false;

                    if (checksPassed)
        } catch (InterruptedException | RuntimeException e) {
            System.out.println("Wrong input !!!");


  • How to create files into each folder?
  • To prove that queue contains the File objects that you expect?
  • The last element in queue is the 'trigger' File?


  • How to create files into each folder?

    • Extract the file IO and use a mocked repository for the tests. This means that you will have the IO somewhere else and may wish to use the below to test that.
    • A temp folder using the JUnit rule With a test folder you create the files to match the test.

    To prove that queue contains the File objects that you expect?

    .equals works well for File objects I believe.

    A single folder with a file that does NOT pass the filter.

    I'd pass in the blockers so I can pass in an "Always Pass" and "Always Fail" blocker.

    public class TestFolderScan {
            public TemporaryFolder folder= new TemporaryFolder();
            public void whenASingleFolderWithAFileThatPassesTheFilterThenItExistsInTheQueue() {
                    File expectedFile = folder.newFile("file.txt");
                    File endOfWorkFile = new File("EOW");
                    Queue queue = ...;
                    FolderScan subject = new FolderScan(folder.getRoot(), queue, new AllwaysPassesBlocker(),...);
                    expected = new Queue(expectedFile, endOfWorkFile);
                    assertEquals(queue, expected);