Does anyone know of a sample Application demonstrating best practices to use ThinkTecture IdentityServer v2 from a desktop Application like WPF?
Is using a HttpClient to Call the AccountController's Signin operation the preferred way?
I'm trying to do something like this, but the response I get is the HTML page which a webapplication would be redirected to to sign in.
private async Task LoginRequest(string username, string password)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("accept", "application/json");
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(@"https://<server-name>/Idsrv-sample/");
var loginData = new SignInModel { UserName = username, Password = password, IsSigninRequest = true };
var signinResponse = await client.PutAsJsonAsync("account/signin", loginData);
var result = await signinResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
MessageBox.Show(result); // The IdentityServer login page
Not sure what you mean with "best practices" - but IdentityServer supports OAuth2 to get authorization tokens for your backend:
see also here: