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How to pass an argument to an AndroidTestCase?

I've implemented an Instrumentation and an AndroidTestCase.

For my tests I need to connect to an external WIFI device. I want the testers to be able to specify an SSID for the test to use.

Giving the the command line (adb shell am instrument ...) to run the test is not a problem, but how can I add the SSID to the command line and extract it in the code?


  • Found a solution.

    I made my test-runner inherit from InstrumentationTestRunner and took the extra data in onCreate():

    public class MyTestRunner extends InstrumentationTestRunner {
        public static String BAR;
        public void onCreate(Bundle arguments) {
            if (null != arguments) {    
                BAR = (String) arguments.get("foo"));

    I added to

    LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner

    And to AndroidManifest.xml:

        android:targetPackage="com.example" />

    Ran it using this command line:

    adb shell am instrument -w -e foo the_value_of_bar com.example/com.example.MyTestRunner

    I was able to get the 'foo' parameter from the command line and use BAR in my AndroidTestCase.