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What's the best way to show the user something is loading on the iPhone?

Recently I've been looking to create some way of showing a user that something is being loaded. I'm sure anyone with an iPhone has seen this is apps before but what is the best way of doing it?

I started using UIProgressHUD, however it was pointed out to me that you shouldn't really use private (undocumented) API's.

I then I moved onto this which is a custom version called MBProgressHUD, however in my experience with this is wouldn't show the loading part when trying to call it not from a button and I found it very buggy (It wasn't very hard to crash the example code given by just clicking away).

I then went on to find this by James Brannan from his book, however I'm not quite sure why he claims this is the "proper way" of doing it when I've seen many apps in the past with what looks like the UIProgressHUD.

Does anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: This is pretty good...



  • There is no one "best" way. Another way to do this is to simply put a UIView atop your main view's subviews, mark its userInteraction property and grey it out when needed. You could even add a UIActivityIndicator as a subview of this "foreground" UIView, starting its animation when needed. When your loading has finished, hide/stop the activity indicator and clear the foreground view's color.