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Vim SQL omnicomplete

I'm trying to use the dynamic SQL auto completion (omni menu) feature in vim, but it's not working.

I'm using the Yakuake terminal on Linux Mint, and the DBext vim plugin is working.

I can do C-xC-o, but it only shows tables and I need columns too. I also can't drill with left and right.

If I’m in insert mode and I press C-c then it acts like I pressed Esc and goes back to normal mode.

When I type :SQLSetType pgsql it says "not an editor command".


  • i added

    filetype plugin on

    in my .vimrc file and the the hotkey is crtl+shift+c (like if you want to copy from terminal) after you press that combination you press t to show all the tables and then left to drill down to the columns of the highlighted table,

    the rest is in

    :h sql.txt