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How to convert a Sequence of scala.xml.Attribute to scala.xml.MetaData?

There's not much to add here. Of course I'm able to get it done somehow with an imperative coding style, but I'm curious how this can be solved nicely.

def this( arguments: Seq[(String, String)], merges: Seq[(String, String)]) = this
    val metadata: Seq[Attribute] = ( arguments ++ merges ).groupBy( _._1 ).map
        case (key, value) => Attribute( None, key, Text( _._2 ).mkString( " " ) ), Null )

    var result: MetaData = Null

    for( m <- metadata ) result = result.append( m )



  • How about this?

    metadata.fold(Null)((soFar, attr) => soFar append attr)

    So you can do away with intermediate variable altogether if you are so inclined. In full:

    def foo(arguments: Seq[(String, String)], merges: Seq[(String, String)]) =
      (arguments ++ merges).groupBy(_._1).map {
        case (key, value) => Attribute(None, key, Text(" ")), Null)
      }.fold(Null)((soFar, attr) => soFar append attr)