I wish to play flash content in iPad app so i searched lot then finally i came to know Puffin
browser will play flash content.
In my app when user tapping a button the app redirected to puffin browser then it will play the flash content. then again if try to re-open my app from puffin browser i could not re-open it.
I created URL Scheme for my app. after completion of flash video, i tried to open my app by using myApp://
in puffin browser but it does not re-open my app. if try same way in safari its working.
Please help me
External URL opening will be supported in the next version. Do you mean you want to manually type "MyApp://SomeUrl" in Puffin and then open MyApp with SomeUrl? Is your app free to download? I'd like to give it a trial.
ps: I work in CloudMosa which sells Puffin.