I've got WordPress and I need to include Supersized but I've got a problem about images.
I need to make multiple strings (based a numbers images of post) into jQuery code, through PHP:
{image : 'http://....jpg'},
for example, this is the post, container of images:
<div id="container_post">
<img src="http:....jpg" />
<img src="http:....jpg" />
and, through PHP, I need to make multiple strings into tag slides:[]
Slides :[
{image : 'http:....jpg'},
{image : 'http:....jpg'},
i've this code into page php.
i need to get images from this post with this string through php query_posts('page_id=170');
<script type="text/javascript">
// Functionality
slideshow : 1, // Slideshow on/off
autoplay : 1, // Slideshow starts playing automatically
start_slide : 1, // Start slide (0 is random)
stop_loop : 0, // Pauses slideshow on last slide
random : 0, // Randomize slide order (Ignores start slide)
slide_interval : 3000, // Length between transitions
transition : 5, // 0-None, 1-Fade, 2-Slide Top, 3-Slide Right, 4-Slide Bottom, 5-Slide Left, 6-Carousel Right, 7-Carousel Left
transition_speed : 1000, // Speed of transition
new_window : 1, // Image links open in new window/tab
pause_hover : 0, // Pause slideshow on hover
keyboard_nav : 1, // Keyboard navigation on/off
performance : 1, // 0-Normal, 1-Hybrid speed/quality, 2-Optimizes image quality, 3-Optimizes transition speed // (Only works for Firefox/IE, not Webkit)
image_protect : 1, // Disables image dragging and right click with Javascript
// Size & Position
min_width : 0, // Min width allowed (in pixels)
min_height : 0, // Min height allowed (in pixels)
vertical_center : 1, // Vertically center background
horizontal_center : 1, // Horizontally center background
fit_always : 0, // Image will never exceed browser width or height (Ignores min. dimensions)
fit_portrait : 1, // Portrait images will not exceed browser height
fit_landscape : 0, // Landscape images will not exceed browser width
// Components
slide_links : 'blank', // Individual links for each slide (Options: false, 'num', 'name', 'blank')
thumb_links : 0, // Individual thumb links for each slide
thumbnail_navigation : 0, // Thumbnail navigation
slides : [
{image : 'http://....jpg'},
{image : 'http://....jpg'},
] ,
// Theme Options
progress_bar : 1, // Timer for each slide
mouse_scrub : 0
and i want generate same string {image : 'http://....jpg'},
each by images, into line slides: []
i seen this old code...but it get only thumbnail...i need the images and multiple strings.
slides : [ <?php
if ( have_posts() ) {
$post_array = Array();
while ( have_posts() ) {
$thumb = get_post_meta($post->ID,'_thumbnail_id',false);
$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumb[0], false);
$thumb = $thumb[0];
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
$post_array[] = "{image : '".$thumb."'}";
echo implode(",",$post_array);
?> },
all into the string: slides : []
I've a problem.
I need insert the titles of imgs:
for example:
{image : 'http://***.jpg', title : 'title_img'}
Can you help me how?
ps: i have this modded code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var imagesArray = [
function foo($anArray){
foreach($myimages as $img){
echo "\{image : '".$img."'\},";
$('#container_post img').each(function(){
var obj = {};
obj.image = this.src ;
// Functionality
slideshow : 1, // Slideshow on/off
autoplay : 1, // Slideshow starts playing automatically
start_slide : 1, // Start slide (0 is random)
stop_loop : 0, // Pauses slideshow on last slide
random : 0, // Randomize slide order (Ignores start slide)
slide_interval : 5000, // Length between transitions
transition : 6, // 0-None, 1-Fade, 2-Slide Top, 3-Slide Right, 4-Slide Bottom, 5-Slide Left, 6-Carousel Right, 7-Carousel Left
transition_speed : 1000, // Speed of transition
new_window : 1, // Image links open in new window/tab
pause_hover : 0, // Pause slideshow on hover
keyboard_nav : 1, // Keyboard navigation on/off
performance : 1, // 0-Normal, 1-Hybrid speed/quality, 2-Optimizes image quality, 3-Optimizes transition speed // (Only works for Firefox/IE, not Webkit)
image_protect : 1, // Disables image dragging and right click with Javascript
// Size & Position
min_width : 0, // Min width allowed (in pixels)
min_height : 0, // Min height allowed (in pixels)
vertical_center : 1, // Vertically center background
horizontal_center : 1, // Horizontally center background
fit_always : 0, // Image will never exceed browser width or height (Ignores min. dimensions)
fit_portrait : 1, // Portrait images will not exceed browser height
fit_landscape : 0, // Landscape images will not exceed browser width
// Components
slide_links : 'blank', // Individual links for each slide (Options: false, 'num', 'name', 'blank')
thumb_links : 0, // Individual thumb links for each slide
thumbnail_navigation : 0, // Thumbnail navigation
slides : imagesArray
// Theme Options
progress_bar : 1, // Timer for each slide
mouse_scrub : 0
Thank you, Frank
basically in your view:
var imagesArray = [
foreach($myimages as $img){
echo "\{image : '" . $img . "'\},";
api.options.slides = imagesArray;