I found this ImageMapster
I want to rebuild the code similar to the USA MAP Demo
I don't understand how to define the areas?
I found this, but I don't understand the source code:
How can I get the coords? Which program offers me these functions? JSFiddle
<area href="#" state="NH" full="New Hampshire" shape="rect" coords="512,29,586,44">
<area href="#" state="VT" full="Vermont" shape="rect" coords="543,49,586,62">
<area href="#" state="MA" full="Massachusetts" shape="rect" coords="515,68,585,80">
<area href="#" state="RI" full="Rhode Island" shape="rect" coords="650,149,711,161">
<area href="#" state="CT" full="Connecticut" shape="rect" coords="655,167,711,179">
<area href="#" state="NJ" full="New Jersey" shape="rect" coords="656,185,711,198">
<area href="#" state="DE" full="Delaware" shape="rect" coords="665,204,711,216">
<area href="#" state="MD" full="Maryland" shape="rect" coords="667,223,711,235">
<area href="#" state="DC" full="District of Columbia" shape="rect" coords="654,239,711,252">
<area href="#" state="WV" full="West Virginia" shape="rect" coords="649,257,711,270">
<area href="#" state="SC" full="South Carolina" shape="poly" coords="551,314,551,314,548,314,548,312,547,310,545,308,544,308,542,304,540,299,537,299,536,297,535,295,533,293,532,293,530,290,528,289,524,287,524,287,523,284,522,284,520,280,518,280,515,278,513,277,513,276,5
and so on..
Ahh you have to define all pixels, right? Which programm would you advise?
there are lots of programs, which can generate image maps. For example quantum gis (with the html imagemap plugin) (http://www.qgis.org) can export imagemaps at no cost. If your imagemaps are floor plans, artistic drawings etc give mapedit a try (http://www.boutell.com/mapedit/) for ~15$.