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ImageMapster, demo, example

I found this ImageMapster

I want to rebuild the code similar to the USA MAP Demo

I don't understand how to define the areas?

I found this, but I don't understand the source code:

How can I get the coords? Which program offers me these functions? JSFiddle


<area href="#" state="NH" full="New Hampshire" shape="rect" coords="512,29,586,44">
<area href="#" state="VT" full="Vermont" shape="rect" coords="543,49,586,62">
<area href="#" state="MA" full="Massachusetts" shape="rect" coords="515,68,585,80">
<area href="#" state="RI" full="Rhode Island" shape="rect" coords="650,149,711,161">
<area href="#" state="CT" full="Connecticut" shape="rect" coords="655,167,711,179">
<area href="#" state="NJ" full="New Jersey" shape="rect" coords="656,185,711,198">
<area href="#" state="DE" full="Delaware" shape="rect" coords="665,204,711,216">
<area href="#" state="MD" full="Maryland" shape="rect" coords="667,223,711,235">
<area href="#" state="DC" full="District of Columbia" shape="rect" coords="654,239,711,252">
<area href="#" state="WV" full="West Virginia" shape="rect" coords="649,257,711,270">
<area href="#" state="SC" full="South Carolina" shape="poly" coords="551,314,551,314,548,314,548,312,547,310,545,308,544,308,542,304,540,299,537,299,536,297,535,295,533,293,532,293,530,290,528,289,524,287,524,287,523,284,522,284,520,280,518,280,515,278,513,277,513,276,5

and so on..

Ahh you have to define all pixels, right? Which programm would you advise?


  • there are lots of programs, which can generate image maps. For example quantum gis (with the html imagemap plugin) ( can export imagemaps at no cost. If your imagemaps are floor plans, artistic drawings etc give mapedit a try ( for ~15$.