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How to get a untyped ObservableCollection from a DataContext?

I need to get a untyped QueryableCollection from a DataContext to query it. I have the following code:

printAbleListView = (ListView) printObject.FindName("printAbleListView");
// Here I like to have something like ObservableCollection<Object>
ObservableCollection<Journal> allItems = (ObservableCollection<Journal>) printAbleListView.DataContext;

// Add the page to the page preview collection
for (int i = 0; i <= (allItems.Count()/30); i++)
  printAbleListView.DataContext = null;
  printAbleListView.DataContext = allItems.Skip(30 * i).Take(30);
  document.SetPreviewPage((i + 1), printObject);

The goal is to print out any ListView in a Metro-Style Windows 8 app. Currently it is typed to the Journal DataType, but I like to have it untyped so the function can be reused for every ListView, not only for the Journal ones. Hw can i archive this?


  • Example:

    void GeneratePreview<T>(int itemsPerPage)
        var printAbleListView = (ListView)printObject.FindName("printAbleListView");
        var allItems = (ObservableCollection<T>)printAbleListView.DataContext;
        // Add the page to the page preview collection
        for (int i = 0; i <= (allItems.Count()/itemsPerPage); i++)
          printAbleListView.DataContext =
                  allItems.Skip(itemsPerPage * i).Take(itemsPerPage);
          document.SetPreviewPage((i + 1), printObject);

    For untyped access, you can actually use the fact that ObservableCollection<T> supports non-generic ICollection:

    void GeneratePreview(int itemsPerPage)
        var printAbleListView = (ListView)printObject.FindName("printAbleListView");
        var allItems = (ICollection)printAbleListView.DataContext;
        var slice = new List<object>(itemsPerPage); // cannot use ArrayList for Win8 apps
        var pageNo = 1;
        foreach (var item in allItems)
            if (slice.Count % itemsPerPage == 0)
                // flush
                printAbleListView.DataContext = slice;
                document.SetPreviewPage(pageNo, printObject);
                // and restart
        if (slice.Count != 0) // flush the rest
            printAbleListView.DataContext = slice;
            document.SetPreviewPage(pageNo, printObject);
        // clean up
        printAbleListView.DataContext = null;