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Solving T(n) = 4T(n/2)+n²

I am trying to solve a recurrence using substitution method. The recurrence relation is:

T(n) = 4T(n/2)+n2

My guess is T(n) is Θ(nlogn) (and i am sure about it because of master theorem), and to find an upper bound, I use induction. I tried to show that T(n)<=cn2logn, but that did not work.

I got T(n)<=cn2logn+n2. Then I tried to show that, if T(n)<=c1n2logn-c2n2, then it is also O(n2logn), but that also didn't work and I got T(n)<=c1n2log(n/2)-c2n2+n2`.

How can I solve this recurrence?


  • T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n2
         = n2 + 4[4T(n/4) + n²/4]
         = 2n2 + 16T(n/4) 
         = ... 
         = k⋅n2 + 4kT(n/2k) 
         = ...

    The process stops when 2k reaches n.
    k = log2n
    T(n) = O(n2logn)