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HTML5 Boilerplate and should I include reset.css?

Am starting a project using HTML5 Boilerplate and

When implementing should I copy over reset.css or just have normalize.css, or keep both! Sorry if this is a pathetic question, am still a little green!


  • You should not use both Normalize and CSS Reset.

    Normalize will make sure all your browsers display elements similarly without removing the "Default styling" from them. (like bullet points and paddings/margins for list items and lists)

    I've used both for many years and I recommend Normalize as it's a less "agressive" method of cross-browser CSS "normalizing". A CSS reset will make all values 0 or none and you will often need to re-add the styling yourself.

    You should also have a look in the Yahoo CSS reset ( ) which introduces the concept of "contextuality" in the reset; basically you can reset only some elements with the use of classes to limit your scope.