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Unsafe pointer manipulation

I'm trying to write a CPU emulator in C#. The machine's object looks like this:

class Machine 
    short a,b,c,d; //these are registers.

    short[] ram=new short[0x10000];  //RAM organised as 65536 16-bit words

    public void tick() { ... } //one instruction is processed

When I execute an instruction, I have a switch statement which decides what the result of the instruction will be stored in (either a register or a word of RAM)

I want to be able to do this:

short* resultContainer;

if (destination == register)
    switch (resultSymbol) //this is really an opcode, made a char for clarity
       case 'a': resultContainer=&a;
       case 'b': resultContainer=&b;
    //must be a place in RAM
    resultContainer = &RAM[location];

then, when I've performed the instruction, I can simply store the result like:

*resultContainer = result;

I've been trying to figure out how to do this without upsetting C#.

How do I accomplish this using unsafe{} and fixed(){ } and perhaps other things I'm not aware of?


  • This is how I would implement it:

    class Machine
        short a, b, c, d;
        short[] ram = new short[0x10000];
        enum AddressType
        // Gives the address for an operand or for the result.
        // `addressType`and `addrCode` are extracted from instruction opcode
        // `regPointers` and `ramPointer` are fixed pointers to registers and RAM.
        private unsafe short* GetAddress(AddressType addressType, short addrCode, short*[] regPointers, short* ramPointer)
            switch (addressType)
                case AddressType.Register:
                    return regPointers[addrCode]; //just an example implementation
                case AddressType.DirectMemory:
                    return ramPointer + addrCode; //just an example implementation
                    return null;
        public unsafe void tick()
            fixed (short* ap = &a, bp = &b, cp = &c, dp = &d, ramPointer = ram)
                short*[] regPointers = new short*[] { ap, bp, cp, dp };
                short* pOperand1, pOperand2, pResult;
                AddressType operand1AddrType, operand2AddrType, resultAddrType;
                short operand1AddrCode, operand2AddrCode, resultAddrCode;
                // ... decipher the instruction and extract the address types and codes
                pOperand1 = GetAddress(operand1AddrType, operand1AddrCode, regPointers, ramPointer);
                pOperand2 = GetAddress(operand2AddrType, operand2AddrCode, regPointers, ramPointer);
                pResult = GetAddress(resultAddrType, resultAddrCode, regPointers, ramPointer);
                // execute the instruction, using `*pOperand1` and `*pOperand2`, storing the result in `*pResult`.

    To get the address of the registers and RAM array, you have to use the fixed statement. Also you can only use the acquired pointers in the fixed block. So you have to pass around the pointers.