I look an example of paginating from http://rapidprototype.ch/bg2docs/tg2pagination.html for my Turbogears 2 project and it works great but, I have a problem regarding my query parameters when I change the page I'm looking.
This is what I have in my controller when listing.
def list(self, page=1, **kw):
q = ""
if kw.has_key('q'):
log.debug("searching %s" % kw)
q = kw['q']
if kw.has_key('all'):
q = ""
products = DBSession.query(model.Product).filter(
or_(model.Product.name.like('%%%s%%' % q),
model.Product.description.like('%%%s%%' % q),
model.Product.model.like('%%%s%%' % q),
model.Product.code.like('%%%s%%' % q))).all()
def get_link(product):
return Markup("""<a href="form?id=%s">%s</a>""" % (product.id, product.id))
product_fields = [
(Markup("""<a href="?s=id">Id</a>"""), get_link),
(u'Name', 'name'),
(u'Model', 'model'),
(u'Code', 'code'),
(u'Description', 'description')]
product_grid = MyDataGrid(fields = product_fields)
currentPage = paginate.Page(products, page, items_per_page=50)
return dict(currentPage=currentPage,
title=u'Products List', item=u'product', items=u'products',
page=u'Search %s results' % q,
This is the html template fragment
<h1>List of ${items}</h1>
<form action="list" method="get">
<input name="q" type="text" value="${value_of('q', default='')}"/>
<input type="submit" value="Search"/> <input type="submit" name="all" value="All"/>
${hits} ${items} found
<p class="pagelist">${currentPage.pager(format='$link_first ~3~ $link_last')}</p>
<p><a href="${tg.url('form')}">Add a ${item}</a></p>
The searches works fine resulting in links like this '/list?q=cable' but when I click some of the paginating pages "1,2...8,9" turns to '/list?page=2'
How do I add my previous query parameter or any other parameters to the link?
After experimenting on the shell for a while I think I found a solution.
There's a kwargs dictionary defined in currentPage (after being assigned from paginate.Page), so I made some experiments sending parameters and it worked. This is how.
currentPage = paginate.Page(products, page, items_per_page=50)
currentPage.kwargs['q'] = q
return dict(currentPage=currentPage,
title=u'Products List', item=u'product', items=u'products',
page=u'Search %s results' % q,
now I get this kind of links: '/list?q=cable&page=2' still wondering if it is the best solution or the best practice